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3D Trade Center

The 3D Trade Center is a new tool like a 3D social network : a user making a pro-active move regarding any exhibitor in the 3D Trade Center scores a business deal.

NEW3S's CEO Herve HEULLY welcomes you in his Cyber World

Posted on February 28 2009 by 3D TRADE CENTER in NEW3S's News :

NEW3S's CEO Herve HEULLY welcomes you in his Cyber World

You are very welcome to the Herve HEULLY CEO's New3s 3D virtual office. It's time to let you get the same solution. Isn'it! You can download there : - 3DTC's latest brochure, - listen to several messages, -interact with me, -see several up-to-dated videos,...

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3D Trade Center exhibitors rewarded at IIVA 2009 - IMAGINA

Posted on February 27 2009 by 3D TRADE CENTER in AWARDS

The Video : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8be5z_remise-prix-intraverse-2009-awards_videogames "The Intra Verse Awards (Espace Diaghilev) February 6th 2009 from 14:00 - 16:00 - Village La Fabrique du Futur Following on from the success of the Intra...

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Agence ELEONOR : 3DTC's exhibitor it's your turn

Posted on February 27 2009 by 3D TRADE CENTER in 3DTC's Exhibitors it's your turn!

Eleonor Estate Agency was established by a French and British partnership whose aim is to bring their experience to an International clientele , since opening the agency has expanded to include two further offices. The three Eleonor Offices are situated...

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ANDERSCORE : 3DTC's exhibitor it's your turn

Posted on February 27 2009 by 3D TRADE CENTER in 3DTC's Exhibitors it's your turn!

Export to Canada awarded at Imagina 2009 6 February 2009. 2009 IIVA. Imagina. Monaco Organized by B-R-ENT, the international Jury remitted the 1st ex-aequo Prize trophy International Intr@verse Awards 2009 (SME category) to ANDERSCORE, a company that...

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