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World IntraVerse Awards London 7 mai 09 live Second Life et trophées LOOV

Posted on May 5 2009 by 3D TRADE CENTER in AWARDS

Have been selected :



- New Media Consortium avec Second Life



The 7 categories awarded for the International Awards (IIVA) at the Grimaldi Palace virtualised in Second Life during the IMAGINA event taking place in Monaco on February the 6th 2009 were as follow:

- IIVA Corporate: Come in my World with Orange (France Telecom, Orange Labs Explocentre)

- IIVA SME: Ex Aequo - FTPE & Anderscore for 3D Trade Center with New3S

- IIVA Administration and Territories: Circulo de las Artes y Tecnologia for Segovia Virtual with Open Sim

- IIVA R&D: Digital Ocean with Virtual Dive

- IIVA Serious Game: Professional appraisal interview Serious Game with BNP Paribas

- IIVA Project: Learning Games Factory with Esc Chambéry and SYMETRIX

- IIVA Jury Special Award: Training of Enterprise Architecture from Michelin with Community Chest and Second Life

The winners of each category are qualitified for the World Intra Verse Awards taking place at London in may 7th 2009 during the Visual Worlds Conference managed by Martine Parry, CEO of the Apply Group.


- Co., Ltd from China


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