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Winching With no Truck Just Metal Pins as an Anchor : using innovative All-Tie Anchor anchoring device

Posted on December 7 2017 by 3D TRADE CENTER in All-Tie Anchor, 4x4-recovery, Good N Useful Supply, portable anchoring, anchor device, slide-hammer, drive cross, winching stranded desert, mud, cable jack up and out of the road, X-treme All-Tie Anchor, winching, web advertising, advertising

Winching With no Truck Just Metal Pins as an Anchor : using innovative All-Tie Anchor anchoring device

The All-Tie Anchor was very helpful. The ALL-TIE Anchor Post is a portable land anchoring device. The slide hammer makes it easy to drive the cross tip into, and out of, the ground. All Tie Anchor - Good-N-Useful Supply -portable anchoring device with...

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